Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Antonio Carlos Faria aka Totó


This was Totó's last abode: a flat on the ground floor of Rua Dr. Dolzani, 602, at Aclimação. 

Facts about Antonio Carlos de Faria 

Antonio Carlos' mother's real name was Dermantina Oliveira de Faria. She was born on 15 May 1931. She had an older sister called Marciolina who still lived in Arapongas-PR, born in 1919 or 1920. 

The first and only time I visited dona Tina, after I realized he had died, she told me a few facts about his biography. Genésio de Faria was his father's name. He was a brick-layer and died in 1963, when Totó was 11 years old. They used to live in a house in Ipiranga then. Some time later, Tina who had to support 2 boys on her own, managed to move to a room in a tenement not too far from Rua Domingos de Moraes, in Saúde where I first met them. They stayed there for approximately 5 years until 1968, when they crossed Domingos de Moraes and moved into another tenement on Rua Tucurí, 75 where they lived for 24 years.  

Dermantina, Totó and his brother lived at Rua Tucurí (Cursino, not too far from Ipiranga) for 24 years. This was a tenement too and they lived in a room next-door to his aunt Geny, who was Genésio's sister. Every time I visited Totó at rua Tucurí, I ended up socializing with tia Geny too. She must have been dona Tina's age. She was single and was a great fan of Agnaldo Timóteo. She was lively and talkative... a very friendly lady. I noticed dona Tina kept her at an arm's length even though she didn't let on. I don't know whatever happened to Geny after Totó & his Mother moved out of rua Tucurí. The last time I saw dona Tina, she mentioned that Geny had moved out some time later and was living at Jardim São Luiz, in the Santo Amaro area.  

After living at rua Tucuri for 24 years (1968-1992) Totó & his mother moved out in 1992, going to Rua Helena, where they stayed for 4 years. Finally they moved on to the flat on Rua Dr. Dolzani, 602, apt.1, at Aclimação, a street off Avenida Lacerda Franco, on 11 May 1996. Totó died there 2 years later, on 10 July 1998.