Monday, 27 August 2012

Visiting Gabriel Gonzaga in Guarulhos

iOn a Sunday morning I take the bus towards the Armenia Underground Station to go and visit my friend Gabriel who was staying with his mother Gislaine in Guarulhos. There are two churches on the corner of Avenida Santos Dumond and Rua dos Bandeirantes. Igreja Metodista da Luz [Methodist Church] and Igreja Apostólica Armênia do Brasil.
Just across the street on the other side of Armenia Underground Station there is another Armenian church... a protestant one for that matter. It's called Igreja Central Evangelica Armênia and it's on Avenida do Estado, 1.191.
Surprise! I found this beautiful bottle-brush tree right next to the Memorial for the Armenians fallen during the Great War (1914-1918).
'Monumento erigido em memória de 1.500.000 de mártires armênios massacrados pelos turcos em abril de 1915'. The other writing says: 'Mesmo que acorrentem meus pés, amarrem minhas mãos, tapem minha boca, meu coração gritará por  liberdade'.
When I finally got to Armenia Station around 2:00 PM who do I see in the queue waiting for the Guarulhos inter-municipal bus? None other than Sidney Canela who was obviously going the same way...
waiting in the queue for the 111 to get on the road to salvation...
it's municipal election time in Guarulhos... and there's a chance of Elvis being elected to the city council...
there we are... on Gabriel's street... (listen to 'On the street where you live' from 'My fair Lady').
Gabriel & Sidney ready to bop... Sunday, 26 August 2012.
Gislane looking ahead...
Gabriel in the car... bound for glory...
'Pesqueiro' is a place by the road where they breed fish in a pond for people to 'fish'...
Gislane, Lauro, Thiago & Gabriel drinking a few beers and waiting for their fried fish.
Sidney & Gislane just being cool...
Gabriel playing 'Chegou a hora da fogueira'...
there was a lot of chooks around...
9 November 2008 - oi Paulo, olha aí o pessoal da Turma do Pateo, depois do ensaio. Da esquerda p'ra direita: Gabriel, Thais, Nenê, Milton, Sirlei (com meu chapéu lilás), Mara & Myself.
Beto Abrantes & Myself sitting on the stairs of Theatro Municipal in São Paulo - 2011.
Ricardo Santos, Carlus Maximus, Sidney Martins & Beto Abrantes on Avenida Paulista - August 2012.
Gabriel, Beto & Sidney at Beto's, 15 May 2013

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