Monday, 17 August 2020

Balcão de Anúncios do Estadão no Jumbo-Aeroporto

This is an ad at the 'classified section' of newspaper O Estado de São Paulo. 'Nossa loja' was actually no more than a stand with a counter on the 2nd floor of the supermarket you see below. There was a typewriter and two clerks that did close to nothing the whole day waiting for potential costumers that almost never showed up. The only time that counter was busy was some time between 4:00 to 5:45 PM on a Friday. Suddenly, local real estate agents showed up out of the woodwork and wanted to have their ads inserted on the Sunday paper. 
Jumbo Aeroporto near Christmas time....
Pão de Açucar's Jumbo on Avenida Washington Luiz seen from the air circa 1973