Monday, 11 June 2018

A normal day at Anatomical Pathology, RPAH

Kathy at her microtome.
Robyn Soper pauses for the camera...
Mickey & a mate of his at the Post Morten room.
Luiz Amorim ready to start filing slides away...
Peace & harmony prevails at the office; from left to right: Linda, Sandra & Maureen.
Linda Quinlan with Professor McGovern portrait on the wall...
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital as it was in 1988... a flame tree in the foreground and a piece of masonry marked 1881 left over from the old pavillion whose columns were left over as a reminder of its grandeur... When I visited RPAH 30 years later in 2018, I realized with sadness that those columns were no more... 
Luiz Amorim on the top floor of Gloucester House bldg. in 1988.
Dr. Tatiana Jelihovsky being granted a Certificate of Appreciation 1954-2000.
Gabriel & Miss Solway chat during a Christmas party (1988 probably).