Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Dear cats

Tigrinha (Little Tigress) had a short life... she was born on 21s September 2015. She was given a chunk of  sausage laced with 'chumbinho' while neighbours were having a barbecue on a Monday night some 6 months later. She was found stiff and bloody in the following morning. 
photos taken on 21st February 2016.
Branquinho (Whitey) was exactly 5 months old.
Botinha aka Pretinho in 21s February 2016.
Malhada aka Branquinha. 
Peludinha aka Mãe.
Malhada aka Branquinha.
posing as a bibelot...
two living bibelots...
Branquinho under the Biblical jasmine bush...
Brankinha aka 'Criminosa' or 'Malhada' or even 'Marcada'.