my 'Programa de Admissão (ao Ginasio)' book. I used to love its cover. Excellent book written by Aroldo de Azevedo, Joaquim Silva, Jose A.Penteado, Jose Cretella Junior, Osvaldo Sangiorgi e Domingos Paschoal Cegalla.
23rd December 1959 - When I was a kid, 'album-de-figurinhas' were really popular among kids who would buy little envelopes containing 3 or 5 individual coloured photos of sportsmen, radio singers or cinema movie stars. I remember this one particularly well because I was 10 years old and had been a fan of listening to music on the radio.
what a lovely image... it brings back memories... I think I used to see it at some neighbour's walls.
'Sesinho' March 1959; Figurinhas 'Coisas Nossas' 1961.
O Fantasma que anda...
Lili, a garota atômica...
these were the 'brands' of milk they had in São Paulo when we arrived here in late 1960. I never knew there were 'brands' of milk until then.